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Fancy Dress (and I went as the Groom)
We all know the Chicken and the egg question. But what about the ‘If the Groom has done an ankle injury and is wearing a moon boot and...

I Fell...Then I MC'd
Friday night was gonna be great. I was back MCing at Metropolis, Tayla and Luke were an excellent couple, and I felt great. But it was...

Tuesday Night is Party Night
I can count the number of Weddings I've done on a Tuesday on one finger. That being said, there's a first for everything. And now that...

Last Minute Bookings Can Be The Best Fun
Sometimes it's the last minute bookings that turn out to be the most fun. I got the call from Cheryl and Adrian about 10 days out from...

20 Items in 3 Hours...Let's Get Busy!
Anjani and Rahul were just the sort of couple I love working with. When they initially sent through their Wedding Reception run sheet I...

The Selfies Were Great, The Wedding Was Better
Jasmine and Carl's Wedding I had an absolute blast at Jasmine and Carl’s wedding. And no matter how cliche’d the phrase ‘had an absolute...
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